April 2024

Convocation of Calvary Community College, Bangalore, Karnataka:

Dr. Xavier Alphonse, S.J., Director, ICRDCE and his Team participated in the convocation programme organized by Calvary Chapel Trust at Bangalore and Varanasi during the month of April 2024. This was a special convocation for 80 HIV-AIDS affected and infected young men and women. When the students and the organizers shared their experience it was touching moment.

Convocations of Tarbes Community College, Bangalore and KGF Community College, KGF, Karnataka

Sisters of St. Joseph's of Tarbes, Bangalore has been conducting the Community College for the last twenty three years. They conducted their annual day in the month of April 2024 in which 110 women received the NSDC certificates. The convocation was held at Bangalore and Kolar Gold Fields.

All the guests who participated emphasised the need for Community College and usefulness of Life-Skills in transforming the marginalized young women in both the places. The colleges have improved their community. All the students have been empowered through gainful employment.