ICRDCE conducted the "Training of Potential Faculty Members for the Community Colleges in Srilanka" 2nd Cohort at Dhyana Ashram, Chennai from 26th February to 9th March, 2024 in which twenty teachers from St. John's Vocational Training Centre, Batticaloa, Miani Technical Institute, Batticaloa and Vivekananda College of Technology, Batticaloa participated.
The programme was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Jebamalai Irudayaraj, S.J., Provincial, Jesuit Chennai Province on 27th February, 2024. The training programme inputs are Community College Concept, Life-Skill and field visit to Community Colleges. The programme was supported by United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia. As a fruit of the training programme three
Community Colleges will be started in the next academic year.
ICRDCE successfully completed the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), Central Government Certification under the Non-Funding Skill Certification Programme for 4,104 Students with 186 batches from 73 Community Colleges/Training Centres for the year 2023-2024. This certificate benefits many marginalized poor, women and the dropouts to get employment and self-employment opportunities.