I. Life Skills Programme at Batticaloa, Srilanka, May 2019:
ICRDCE conducted the training of teachers for Life Skills in Sri Lanka. We had the six days Workshop from 9.00 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. from15th to 20th May, 2019 at ESCO Centre, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. There were 65 participants from the vocational training centres, community workers, volunteers, Pastors, YMCA and other NGOs. We have prepared the manual for the “மலரும் இதயம் ஒளிரும் வாழ்வு" with 22 Life-Skill topics in Tamil. As the result of the workshop they have given us the plan of action to teach Life Skills in the Eastern Province - Batticaloa for 2,000 young men and women by conducting workshops and regular programmes and integrating the same in the curriculum of Vocational training centres. This experiment will be evaluated in May, 2020.
II. Introductory Workshop on the Community College System at Jaffna, Srilanka:
ICRDCE conducted the Introductory Workshop on the Community College System from 22nd and 23rd May, 2019. There were 55 participants Teachers, Directors of Vocational Training Centres, officials of the education department. We helped them to formulate and articulate the Sri Lankan Community College System. As a result of the workshop we will have five Community Colleges in five districts of Northern Province - Jaffna, Kilinohchi, Vavuniya, Mullai Theevu and Mannar. Serving the School dropouts from “O’ Level and ‘A’ Level, War Widows, drug addicts and unemployed youth.