The Success Stories of the Students of Community Colleges (March, 2005)
"Miracles of Hope – The Success Stories of the Students of Community Colleges" is an illustration of the testimonies of the beneficiaries of the system. What unites them is their social, economic and educational backwardness and their ability and capacity to come out of the same through self – confidence and self –determination. What is refreshing about this new publication of MCRDCE is the direct contact with the beneficiaries and the faithfulness of the colleges in their commitment to the mission of empowering the poor through skills development leading to employment. The salary the students receive may not be very high. The very fact they have made an entry into the job market will take them forward. They will never look back. They are certainly the Miracles of Hope leading the way to other students to become like them. The whole book is an inspiring and telling one. The miracles have caused the necessary transformation. It is these Life Coping Skills have caused the necessary transformation. It is these Life Coping Skills that stand out in the world of job oriented and skill based education contrasting it with other system of Vocational Education in the country.
Rebuilding lives after Tsunami through the Community Colleges (Sep, 2006)
Tsunami is tragedy of great magnitude which humanity has witnessed in recent years. It has left an indelible mark in the hearts and minds of people by its grave destruction of lives and property and causing a permanent psychological scar. The giant waves of Tsunami evoked mighty waves of compassion and concern for the suffering fellow human beings, thanks to so many NGOs, Churches and Service Minded organizations that responded from day of the tragedy.
Most of the interventions were giving a lot of relief to the Tsunami affected people. After a few months people began thinking about rehabilitation and rebuilding lives. In this great effort MCRDCE, with its Community Colleges, made a timely but a significant intervention of providing skills development training to the Tsunami affected young men and women.
Thanks to the 30 Community Colleges that have helped 933 students both men and women in 9 trades recognized by the Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU).
This has given a lot of hope not only to those who have been trained but also to their families. We are recording in this book, the transformation from Tears in to Cheers.
Success stories of Community College Students in India (March, 2009)
The ICRDCE undertook a research study of all the Community Colleges in India. One of the important aspects of the study was to solicit the success stories of individual students belonging to different trades. We received 657 testimonies from the Community Colleges. We have selected 300 belonging to 19 trades from colleges belonging to different parts of the country.
We have tried to keep the authentic narration of the beneficiaries intact. Some of the testimonies we have published in the local language itself to depict the transformation that has taken place in them. The present book: "Change is Certain" contains the testimonies as a sequel to our earlier books "Miracles of Hope" and "Tears into Cheers".
The Problem of School Dropouts and possible alternatives (March, 2005)
In this context, the present book Neglected Majority is a very valuable contribution to the people with social concern. The book is based on a very intensive research of School drop out in Corporation Schools of Chennai Metropolitan city. Apart from the Herculean task of compiling secondary information on enrolment and drop out, the authors have conducted a laborious survey among the children who have dropped out of school. The outcome is a revelation! The findings are scientific and astounding. The book does not stop only with the determination of the magnitude of the school drop out problem; it has gone into the retention aspect as well. It explains about the wonderful alternative option available in Community Colleges, if it provokes similar such studies throughout the country and put an end to the age-old problem of school drop out.
Towards the profile of a Rural Community Colleges (Sep, 2006)
This prompted ICRDCE to undertake a series of Consultations all over the country on the profiles of a Rural Community College. This book contains the deliberations, discussions, action plans for establishing Rural Community Colleges in the country.
May this book be the first step towards discovering and evolving a new model that will affect more than 70% of the population of the Indian community which is living in the Rural areas.
The consultation was organized by Voice Trust, Siruganur, Trichy, Madurai Community Colleges, Madurai, Montfort Community College, Lachragarh, Jharkhand, Gram Utthan Kendra, Gumla, Jharkhand who helped the centre to organize these four consultations.
Indian Community College System (January, 2006) This book is written to give a clear articulation and formulation to the Indian Community College System in all its aspects. The first part of the book gives a clear idea how to start the Community College, the steps involved in starting of the college, how to develop a curriculum, life skill and work skills taught in the college, list of job oriented courses offered, procedure for the Administration and Governance of the Community College and the Process of Recognition and Accreditation of the Community College. The Second part of the Book contains the Contribution of MCRDCE to the Community College Movement, the profile of a Rural Community College, the Role of Universities, Target Group Served and the Indian Community College System and the Community College System that has been published in various Articles, Newspaper Clippings, National and International Journals.
India is a country with a population of 1.3 billion. Higher Education in India has expanded 25 times and 12 to 15 million students are going for Higher Education. Hence those who are left out of Higher Education are almost 85 to 90 percent. They definitely need an alternative system should have a twin purpose. It should provide education for livelihood and Higher Education. This book explains the History of the Indian Community College System and touches upon briefly the similar system available in other parts of the world and also gives the list of resource material available on the system by way of publications, articles and TQM of Community Colleges. This book will be inspired to understand, appreciate this system and also to start initiatives especially in the rural, urban areas to realize the dream of inclusive social development to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor, the educated and illiterate and men and women.