The Proceedings of the National Workshop(September, 2000)
The MCRDCE is happy to present the proceedings of the National Workshop so that the interest and enthusiasm of the participants and the information regarding the concept and implementation of the Community College System could be shared with the whole Country.
The MCRDCE wishes sincerely many Non Governmental organization all over India to take up this system of education to serve the downtrodden and it hopes this publication would inspire such organizations.
Community Colleges Movement – An Update (July, 2001)
The book Reaching Out takes the Community College movement from the South to the North of India. It records the significant and important events that have taken place from January 1999 till February 2000. It provides an update on the Community College movement. It highlights the contribution made by MCRDCE to further and consolidate the movement.
The Proceedings of the Two Days State Level Convention of Industrial Collaborations & Community Colleges of Tamilnadu and Karnataka (April, 2008)
The ICRDCE, Chennai is happy to document this entire process of dialogue of the Industrial Partners and the Community Colleges. The title of the book "Power Within" is self-explanatory. The power to empower the disadvantaged and the power is within the community which consists of people who have the sense of social commitment and responsibility. The Industrial partners have helped numerous young men and women to earn decent salary to help themselves and help their families and helped to uplift their families out of poverty.
Proceedings of the National Workshop on Quality Management of Community Colleges
ICRDCE took the responsibility of helping to establish, monitor and evaluate 307 Community Colleges. The most commendable and praiseworthy fact is that the Community College movement was taken up by the service minded organizations and the system has been well established and to a large extent it has been standardized. This is the opportune moment for all of us to come together to look at the Quality Management of Community Colleges under following five aspects: Academic, Administration, Financial, Quality management and Impact on the Community in terms of Job placement and Higher Education. We used the following methodology. We sent to 194 Community Colleges a questionnaire asking them for details on all the five aspects. We could collect the material from 135 Community Colleges. We collated them and presented a comprehensive picture at the National Workshop which is published in this volume.
Community Colleges: Together, Towards and Tomorrow.
The proceedings of the National Conference on Community Colleges held on 9th and 10th September 2013 at Puducherry. ICRDCE has been able to show measureable and quantifiable results in terms of training and placement, one of the ways in which the monitoring was done of the colleges through organizing National Consultations and Workshops. The details of the conference given in the book . This book contains the detailed presentations of the proceedings and significant aspects of the deliberations of the National Conference. This book would give the Community Colleges a roadmap to go forward and to strengthen and consolidate the Community College Movement and to help more and more the needy and marginalized sections of the Society.
Indian Community College System (January, 2006) This book is written to give a clear articulation and formulation to the Indian Community College System in all its aspects. The first part of the book gives a clear idea how to start the Community College, the steps involved in starting of the college, how to develop a curriculum, life skill and work skills taught in the college, list of job oriented courses offered, procedure for the Administration and Governance of the Community College and the Process of Recognition and Accreditation of the Community College. The Second part of the Book contains the Contribution of MCRDCE to the Community College Movement, the profile of a Rural Community College, the Role of Universities, Target Group Served and the Indian Community College System and the Community College System that has been published in various Articles, Newspaper Clippings, National and International Journals.
India is a country with a population of 1.3 billion. Higher Education in India has expanded 25 times and 12 to 15 million students are going for Higher Education. Hence those who are left out of Higher Education are almost 85 to 90 percent. They definitely need an alternative system should have a twin purpose. It should provide education for livelihood and Higher Education. This book explains the History of the Indian Community College System and touches upon briefly the similar system available in other parts of the world and also gives the list of resource material available on the system by way of publications, articles and TQM of Community Colleges. This book will be inspired to understand, appreciate this system and also to start initiatives especially in the rural, urban areas to realize the dream of inclusive social development to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor, the educated and illiterate and men and women.