History of Community Colleges in India (January, 1999)
• To give an outline history of the Vocational Education in India.
• To present the evolution, growth and progress of the Community College Movement.
• To tell the story of the Community College Movement from 1854 – 1998.
• To document the story with authenticated press clippings from National and Local newspapers and Journals of Higher Education.
• To depict the dynamism of the Community Colleges Movement.
• To represent the various dimensions of the community College system.
• To depict the evolution of the indigenous model of the Community College system through the inspiration has come from U.S.A.
• To make available to the Researchers of the Educational history of India, all the material connected with the community colleges in one source book.
The contribution of MCRDCE to the community College movement in India (1995 -2005) (December, 2005)
The publication under review provides a cogent and comprehensive documentation of the evolution and functioning of the Community College Movement and the MCRDCE as a facilitating, research and supporting agency. Promoting the concept of Community Colleges in 1995, the founders have been able to convince the society of its usefulness as a unique idea in empowering the marginalized groups through well planned exercises. The Concept, on acceptance by various sections of the society throughout the length and breadth of the country, has flowered into a movement. This is evidenced by the fact that towards the end of the year 2005, 153 Community Colleges spread across 17 states in India have been functioning. The Madras Centre for Research and development of Community Education (MCRDCE), Chennai is known all over the country today as the champion and facilitator of the Community College Movement in India. In its own right, it has emerged as an umbrella Organization by consensus for coordinating the activities of Community Colleges. It has assisted the colleges in standardising the curriculum, trading of teachers, publishing textbooks and promotional literature, evolving an evaluation system and above all, in getting societal recognition and acceptance. Through National Consultations, regional workshops and presentations the concept has been propagated. With the cooperation of the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), New Delhi and Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) some of the colleges have been recognized for the vocational programmes run by them.
The History of Recognition and Accreditation of Community Colleges in India (1995 - 2005), (December, 2005)
The first chapter deals with various efforts in process of recognition from April 1997, when Madras Community College started its efforts for recognition with the Government of Tamil Nadu to October 2005, when the recognition is extended to Community Colleges in other parts of India by Tamil Nadu Open University.
Chapter – II of the book is about consultations and workshops of Community Colleges and its major recommendations are:
• To create autonomous accreditation agencies which will devise norms, guidelines and prescribe standards for all Community Colleges of the Country.
• The nature of the Community College movement is to be kept autonomous in all aspects: Academic, Administrative and Functional.
• Recognition of MHRD as an alternative system of Education and to include in the 10th Five Year plan.
Chapter – III of the book deals with how the MHRD Government of India and State Government get involved in the process of affiliation of Community Colleges and chapter – IV is about evaluative study of the working of Community College movement in Tamil Nadu, which recommended that the Community Colleges should be de-linked from the University affiliation system. The next three chapters are about Accreditation of National Institute of Open Schooling and IGNOU; Diplomas and certificates of Community Colleges and accreditation by Tamil Nadu Open University to different courses of Community Colleges respectively. Part – VIII deals with Indian Community College system and next chapter is about fourth national consultation of Community Colleges in India and last part deals with efforts with MHRD, Government of India.
The Proceedings of the Fifth National Consultation and the launching of ICRDCE, Chennai, 2006 (February, 2007)
Part I: The proceedings and deliberations of the fifth Consultation, the inputs from experts, the group discussions and the proposal that emerged out of this consultation that has been submitted to the Planning Commission.
Part II: The great achievement of the Community College students in the Tamilnadu Open University Exams Conducted in May 2006 and the 38 rank holders being honoured at the Second Convocation of TNOU on the 11th of January, 2007 by His Excellency Surjit Singh Barnala, Governor of Tamilnadu.
Towards the profile of a Rural Community Colleges (Sep, 2006)
This prompted ICRDCE to undertake a series of Consultations all over the country on the profiles of a Rural Community College. This book contains the deliberations, discussions, action plans for establishing Rural Community Colleges in the country.
May this book be the first step towards discovering and evolving a new model that will affect more than 70% of the population of the Indian community which is living in the Rural areas.
The consultation was organized by Voice Trust, Siruganur, Trichy, Madurai Community Colleges, Madurai, Montfort Community College, Lachragarh, Jharkhand, Gram Utthan Kendra, Gumla, Jharkhand who helped the centre to organize these four consultations.
Indian Community College System (January, 2006) This book is written to give a clear articulation and formulation to the Indian Community College System in all its aspects. The first part of the book gives a clear idea how to start the Community College, the steps involved in starting of the college, how to develop a curriculum, life skill and work skills taught in the college, list of job oriented courses offered, procedure for the Administration and Governance of the Community College and the Process of Recognition and Accreditation of the Community College. The Second part of the Book contains the Contribution of MCRDCE to the Community College Movement, the profile of a Rural Community College, the Role of Universities, Target Group Served and the Indian Community College System and the Community College System that has been published in various Articles, Newspaper Clippings, National and International Journals.
India is a country with a population of 1.3 billion. Higher Education in India has expanded 25 times and 12 to 15 million students are going for Higher Education. Hence those who are left out of Higher Education are almost 85 to 90 percent. They definitely need an alternative system should have a twin purpose. It should provide education for livelihood and Higher Education. This book explains the History of the Indian Community College System and touches upon briefly the similar system available in other parts of the world and also gives the list of resource material available on the system by way of publications, articles and TQM of Community Colleges. This book will be inspired to understand, appreciate this system and also to start initiatives especially in the rural, urban areas to realize the dream of inclusive social development to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor, the educated and illiterate and men and women.