ICRDCE team conducted the steering committee meeting on the starting of the Community College at Batticaloa on 25th January 2020. The United Board for Christian Higher Education for Asia is funding the entire research study of the need analysis, job placement and the courses to be given with the help of this team. Dr. Xavier Alphonse, S.J., Director, ICRDCE is the Supervisor for this research analysis. It has been decided to meet the Minister of Education in Colombo to get permission to start Community Colleges at Batticaloa and Jaffna.
Dr. Xavier Alphonse, S.J., met the Jesuits of Sri Lanka exploring the possibility of starting a Community College in Trincomalee since it is becoming an advanced port city. We have planned for a session for the Jesuits at Trincomalee in the next visit.
As the follow up of Life Skills workshop conducted in May, 2019, we conducted the review meeting in which it was reported that there are 1,500 young men and women benefitting by this programme in vocational schools, higher secondary schools, in villages and the Parishes of Church of the American Ceylon Mission (CACM). There is a suggestion to reach out to the communities of other religions.
In Jaffna there were two programmes on Counseling and other one on Leadership. Dr. Xavier Alphonse, S.J., addressed 30 Government School Principals and both the programmes was conducted by the Department of Education, Jaffna Province for community workers, Counselors in the Schools, Teachers and Principals of Government Schools. ICRDCE is partnering with United Board for Christian Higher Education for Asia to take the initiative to start these two Community Colleges in 2022.
Dr. Xavier Alphonse, S.J., attended the Executive Committee Meetings of AIACHE and GBM of Sona College of Technology, Salem. He is also involved in the review of AIACHE Constitution.
ICRDCE is busy in assessment of students in NSDC Centres so far 22 batches have been assessed with 622 students.